9. Don't be a Bridezilla...
I know, I know, it's YOUR day. But really, it's also your fiance's, and it's a very important event for your friends and family members as well. It's easy to get caught up in a Bridezilla moment and lose sight of the things that really matter, which is why it's so important to to consider other people when planning your wedding. Obviously you should look out for yourself and your big happy wedding, but just take the time to reflect on your decisions and actions before setting them in motion. In the end, your family and friends will thank you for being a thoughtful and gracious bride-to-be, and you're going to prevent endless amounts of stress and drama surrounding your wedding festivities!
(Photo source: http://neorelationship.wordpress.com/2009/03/30/the-beginning/)
I'm gonna read this everyday! Thanks!